Sunday, January 24, 2010

Here We Go Again

Disclaimer: This post is boring.

This is a very general idea that I scrambled down thoughts on in order to set up a blog I will post tomorrow. If you want to better understand my more personal, upcoming post, this is here to serve as a platform to see where I am coming from.

Actions speak louder than words.
Words are thoughts made audible. So, essentially what that statement would mean is that actions are more important than a thought developing in the mind. I question this concept, however, for two reasons. First- Actions are always initiated by a thought, no matter whether the thought was pre-meditated or impulsive. Second- Communication, whether it be verbal or non-verbal, is an action. In fact, communication is arguably one of the most constant and universal actions that happen on a daily basis.

First- Actions are always initiated by a thought, no matter whether the thought was pre-meditated or impulsive. Think about the way you respond to major circumstances in your life. If you come home to find you've been robbed, the immediate thought would be to make sure everything is safe and then somehow to regain what was lost. Thus, the action that would ensue would usually be to check the area with a sense of caution to make sure no one is around. This thought desiring safety would usually lead to a phone call to the police at some point as well. These could be considered impulsive reactions to being robbed, but we see that there are thoughts that are driving them. Not quite as impulsively, thoughts longing for justice or replacement of property would begin to circulate. At this time, legal actions would usually be taken or you would possibly make purchases to replace whatever it was that was stolen. On a smaller scale, think about waking up in the morning. If your first thought has to do with how exhausted you are, your action would be (if you're like me) to roll over, pull the covers up, and get five or ten more minutes of sleep. On the other hand, if you immediately think about how you promised to meet a friend for coffee, you would be more likely to hop up and get ready to go. At this point it's pretty elementary that the actions you take are derived first from thoughts that take place.

Second- Communication, whether it be verbal or non-verbal, is an action. The thing I do the most is talk. I usually do this whenever i want someone to know something or if i need to know something from them. Both of these end up getting something accomplished, so it would be absurd to not consider the talking as an "action." Similarly, many non-verbal forms of communication end up getting something accomplished. Following up on the first idea, anytime you communicate you have either a previous or impulsive thought that drives you to communicate with that other person.

To wrap up this train of thought, I don't agree with the concept that actions speak louder than words. In my opinion, words are actions. On top of that, thoughts should be considered the more important issue. After all, they seem to drive everything we do.

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