Monday, August 23, 2010


Well I'm officially a senior or something like that. The first day was rough! I began the day at 6 am for cross country practice, so by the time school actually started I was ready to go back to bed. I go to AP Government and AP English before relaxing for 45 minutes in a study-hall-type class period. Then, AP Chemistry followed by AP Calculus might just join together to kill me this year. Luckily, my educational day ends there. I spend 45 more minutes on campus for basketball, but when I leave after that for lunch I don't come back. My only afternoon class is a 45 minute "job shadowing" where I will go to my church and hang out with my youth pastor. Lastly, I'm taking a psychology class on Tuesday nights at the local college. I'm sure there will be many interesting things that come out of that experience, so maybe it will come up in a later post.

After running 3 miles this morning, I was in the locker room waiting for school to start. As I sat down and pulled out a devotional guide, I was thinking about how agonizing it was to wake up that early just to run. I HATE RUNNING. The devotional guide is calendar based, and it's pretty clear that God was feeling humorous this morning. This was my first day to use this particular devotional so I had no idea what was coming when I opened it to August 23rd.

"My Bible Promise for Today"
Habakkuk 3:19 (NIV)
The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to go on the heights.

So, I'm not much of one who likes to use verses of scripture to get the silly idea that God is going to help me win in sports, but this particular verse is definitely going to be on my mind a lot at 6 am.
"Run run run, like the feet of a deer. Run run run, like the feet of a deer"

The beauty of it is, in all seriousness, this verse was huge for me today. Throughout the chaos and exhaustion of "The Last First Day of High School," I was constantly reminded of the fact that my Lord is Sovereign and will be forever.
And HE is my strength.
Whether it be cross country, school, work, or thumb-twiddling I find that statement to be very encouraging. Because I know my own strength wouldn't get me through even a semester of this chaos called being a senior.
